
20 Percent of Xbox Cloud Gamers Use Touch Controls

Microsoft is currently encouraging more developers to implement some form of touch controls into their games that are compatible with Xbox Cloud Gaming, based on new statistics. According to these statistics around 2o percent, or one in five total users, of the total users of the service play using touch controls on platforms such as Mobile devices and Tablets.

Moreover, games that implement touch controls for their game are seeing twice the increase in usage over those that do not implement it. These numbers are based on overall numbers, however, for some individual games, this number is higher.

Microsoft has stated that for some games this number is well over 30 percent of overall users that are engaging through touch controls with said game. Some games that this has been the case with include Hades, Dragon Quest XI, Minecraft DungeonsScarlet Nexus, and Yakuza: Like A Dragon despite the fact that real Yakuza use gamepads.

Honestly, having recently started Scarlet Nexus through my game pass I would think that an unlikely candidate for touch controls, but apparently they must be good. Microsoft is not lost on the fact that some games are not built for touch controls, of course, but still, they make a solid case why games can still benefit from it as an option.

According to Microsoft, the implementation of these controls is not very hard and most studios can quickly do. Their post then goes on to out just how developers can implement it to help increase the many ways to play across the Xbox ecosystem.

While I personally have not tried Cloud Gaming touch controls yet, I recently got sucked into Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier on mobile which uses touch mechanics as its base model. Touch controls were not bad and if it was a solitary experience it might have been more enjoyable, but as a multiplayer battle royale, the touch mechanics can feel extremely clunky. While I look forward to experiencing more games with touch, I get the feeling that personally, I will stick with my trusty controller where I can.

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