Playstation VR Hits Gamestop Shelves This Fall
Playstation VR Hits Gamestop Shelves This Fall The powers that be at Gamestop are putting their chips behind virtual reality technology. On a segment of Fox News Business, Paul Raines (CEO, Gamestop) has expressed genuine interest in capitalizing on the possible worth of VR segment in the video game industry. He puts a lot of […]
Heavy Rain and Beyond 2 Souls Coming on March for PS4
Heavy Rain and Beyond 2 Souls Coming on March for PS4 Now is up to us to find the origami killer and escape the grasps of the CIA with Aiden once again, this time with even better visuals than before, which by the way, both games looked amazing back when they were released on PS3, […]
Far Cry Primal’s “Legend of the Mammoth” Bonus DLC Trailer Released
Far Cry Primal’s “Legend of the Mammoth” Bonus DLC Trailer Released For those who decided to pre-order Far Cry Primal, you will be able to enjoy an extra 3 exclusive DLC missions known as Legend of the Mammoth. With this bonus DLC included, players can drink from the shaman’s cup in order to turn […]
Details On Dark Souls III Season Pass Surface
Details On Dark Souls III Season Pass Surface From Software has released new details pertaining to the upcoming Dark Souls III that is sure to excite Xbox One owners who are already psyched for this action RPG. There are two DLC packs containing new areas to explore complete with new enemies, boss encounters and equipment. […]