Shadow Heroes: Vengeance in Flames Trailer
Shadow Heroes: Vengeance in Flames Trailer Shadow Heroes: Vengeance in Flames is an RTS by developer Allied Games Inc. Players will fight in epic battles commanding hundreds of units using weapons, magic and tactics. The game allows the player to hire new units and customize their load-outs with items that have been collected. Items can […]
Dissidia Final Fantasy Arcade adds Kefka Palazzo
Dissidia Final Fantasy Arcade adds Kefka Palazzo Final Fantasy VI‘s Kefka Palazzo is the latest character heading to Dissidia Final Fantasy for arcade, Square Enix revealed today. During a special broadcast, the company shared some details on the game’s June 30 update, which includes the playable Kefka. He’s the second character to be added from […]
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Third Trailer
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Third Trailer Releasing the third trailer for the JRPG, the devs also announced that a free-to-play mobile game will be available for iOS and Android devices as a side-scrolling RPG.The console version of Sword Art Online, better known as Hollow Realization, is set to come out for PS Vita and […]
Street Fighter V adds both Balrog and Ibuki on July 1
Street Fighter V adds both Balrog and Ibuki on July 1 Today, Capcom has announced that alongside Ibuki and the game’s upcoming story mode, Balrog will also become playable as part of the next major update for ‘Street Fighter V’ hitting this Friday. That seems a forgivable delay to me, but given that Ibuki had […]
Anarchy Online Celebrates its 15th Anniversary
Anarchy Online Celebrates its 15th Anniversary Funcom announced with much excitement that Anarchy Online, their first Sci-Fi MMORPG and one of the longest-running titles in the genre, is celebrating its 15th anniversary today! Funcom invites everyone who has ever played Anarchy Online to join in the festivities between June 23rd and July 11th (regardless of current Membership status) […]
The Technomancer Launch Trailer
The Technomancer Launch Trailer A new launch trailer shows a sneak peek of the brutality of a Technomancer’s life on Mars, as well as shows hints of what players can expect from gameplay, which involves combat, dialogue choices and even romance options. There are four different skill trees, including the technomancy skill tree, to help […]
Pharaonic Coming to PS4 on June 28th
Pharaonic Coming to PS4 on June 28th Pharaonic is an unforgiving sidescrolling Action-RPG set in Ancient Egypt, that will be available on both Europe and North America regions for a price of $16/16€. Explore a vast kingdom full of dangers and brutal enemies while you find the truth behind Ahmosis I, the Red Pharaoh. Check out the […]
Ziggurat Coming to WiiU on June 30th
Ziggurat Coming to WiiU on June 30th Ziggurat, a highly successful Dungeon Crawling FPS game, will be released on the Europe Nintendo eShop for the Wii U on March 30th. North America will follow some time later, but the exact date hasn’t been revealed yet. Ziggurat is a Dungeon-Crawling First Person Shooting game at its finest! […]
The Mandate Releases its First In-Game Video
The Mandate Releases its First In-Game Video The ground-breaking sci-fi RPG The Mandate, an adventure that takes place in the space, the final frontier… where in less than a five-year-mission, it created strange new worlds, new life and new civilizations. To boldly do what only Sid Meier has done before with his outstanding game Pirates!: create a living, open […]
Rising Islands Reveals a New Trailer
Rising Islands Reveals a New Trailer Today, SOEDESCO Publishing and Lone Hero Studios revealed a new gameplay trailer and announced the release date of their new game called Rising Islands being in the 2nd of August this year. This new gameplay trailer showcases the heroine, adventurer Hairo, doing what she does best; she’s fast as a […]