Warlock’s Tower brings the elegant design & look to Steam
Warlock’s Tower brings the elegant design & look to Steam Warlock’s Tower is a punishing puzzler in a Game Boy aesthetic with elegantly designed levels around one brutal rule, one move equals one life lost. You play as Tim, a cracker-barrel Mailman aiming to reach the pinnacle of the postal ranks by delivering a letter […]
Space Dragon for Oculus Touch VR from 3LB GAMES
Space Dragon for Oculus Touch VR from 3LB GAMES In Space Dragon, you can take control of a pair of hatchling space dragons and blast your way through the cosmos with the innovative move-and-warp system. Devour planets for health, fight against robotic armadas, and destroy the shielded suns that power your enemies. When you’ve done that, tear […]
Husk is Coming to PC on February 3rd
Husk is Coming to PC on February 3rd It was announced by IMGN.PRO and UndeadScout, that their game Husk will be released worldwide on February 3, 2017. Husk will be available for PCs on digital distribution platforms such as Steam as well as in select retail stores. Check out the “There is no place like home” trailer of Husk, featuring […]
Induction Will be Released on February 7th
Induction Will be Released on February 7th It was announced by developer Bryan Gale, that Induction will be released on February 7th, 2017, and shared a new trailer for the occasion. Induction is an abstract puzzle game about time travel and paradoxes. As you master its logic, Induction aims to rewire how you think about cause and effect. Check out […]
Vive le Roi Will be Available on Steam this February
Vive le Roi Will be Available on Steam this February It was announced by publisher Meridian4 and game developer Sylvain Seccia, their newest game, Vive le Roi (Long Live the King). Vive le Roi is set for release on Steam on on February 14, 2017. The game is a 2D adventure puzzle game for casual gameplay, […]
Revelation Online Begins its Third Closed Beta
Revelation Online Begins its Third Closed Beta It was announced by Global Publisher My.com and developer NetEase, the date of the next Closed Beta phase for the anticipated MMORPG – Revelation Online. The third phase of testing will take place from January 19-February 2, allowing players to explore up to level 69 and prepare for new […]