Leak: New THQ Nordic Open-World ARPG Biomutant Revealed
Leak: New THQ Nordic Open-World ARPG Biomutant Revealed It was accidentally revealed early in a recent German GamesMarkt magazine, an ad for a THQ Nordic-developed Open-World Action-RPG called Biomutant, coming Early 2018 for PS4/X1/PC. The game is being developed by Experiment 101. Check out a photo of the magazine ad that leaked Biomutant: The protagonist looks […]
Raiden V: Director’s Cut is coming to Playstation 4 in Europe
Raiden V: Director’s Cut is coming to Playstation 4 in Europe PQube is excited to announce that the latest instalment in the legendary shoot ’em up series, Raiden V: Director’s Cut, debuts on PlayStation 4 in Europe on October 6, 2017! The Raiden series is one of the original trailblazers in the arcade shoot ’em up genre, with a rich 27-year […]
Life is Feudal: MMO, New Video Showcasing Guilds Available
Life is Feudal: MMO, New Video Showcasing Guilds Available As the final stretch of development for Life is Feudal: MMO approaches, developer Bitbox is launching one last Closed Beta Test (CBT) today. Closed Beta #5 offers players a chance to not only explore the game, but experience an immersive medieval world unlike any other – one free […]