Originally announced in 2017, Age of Empires IV has had series fans waiting in anticipation for its release. After all, Age of Empires hasn’t seen a new entry in the series since 2005. However, that is set to change when Age of Empires IV launches this fall, an event for which Xbox is building anticipation. Last week, Xbox revealed a lot of new information about the game, clarifying how it will exceed the ambitions of the previous entry. From brand new campaigns to an expanded list of civilizations to command, here are five reasons you should be excited for Age of Empires IV.
One of the most vital ways in which IV diverges from past Age of Empires games is in its approach to campaigns. Previous games tended to feature only one campaign focusing on a single character, with additional campaigns introduced via DLC expansions. In stark contrast, Age of Empires IV will offer four full-length campaigns, each divided into chapters and following family lines across generations. People need only look at the campaigns offered to see how Age of Empires IV appears primed to deliver an experience as compelling as it is different.
Among the new strategic options available to players, an increased emphasis on using and combatting stealth proves especially intriguing. Players will be able to set up ambushes without fear of enemies knowing where units are hiding. Meanwhile, scouts have been given the ability to see enemies preparing an ambush of their own. Of course, more robust stealth mechanics aren’t the only addition of interest in Age of Empires IV.
Continuing the tradition of having multiple civilizations to choose from in combat, Age of Empires IV will feature eight civilizations. Though four have yet to be announced, it is known that the Mongols, the Chinese, and the English will be playable. In addition, the Delhi Sultanate will be featured here, marking their first appearance in an Age of Empires game. While each civilization features different abilities and traits, only a handful have been disclosed in any detail. For instance, it was revealed that the Delhi Sultanate will get access to elephant units. We also learned that the Mongols will have the ability to pack up and move their buildings to places safe from combat.
To help drive home that people are playing through stories based on real events, each campaign will feature documentary footage and narration. Filmed on location, this footage is intended to provide context as to why the player’s chosen civilization ended up in a given situation.
Big changes are all well and good, but it’s the gradual shifts in audio-visual cues that make a world of difference. Each civilization will feature its own soundtrack and aesthetic that grow more complex alongside the society in question. The slow and steady nature of such elements feel appropriate here, particularly when paired with the game’s approach to architecture.
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Announced on Twitter.
It will add the new “Dark Odyssey” armor.
In a recent press release.