Sam in Death Stranding

Death Stranding World Tour Has Been Announced

Less than a month later, Hideo Kojima’s super weird project will be launching on PlayStation 4 and we are extremely excited about what he has prepared for us after over two decades of working on Metal Gear series at Konami. Aside from how the game would perform after launch, Sony has prepared a huge marketing campaign for Death Stranding and it’s going to get bigger at the end of this month with a Death Stranding World Tour kicking-off from Paris.

Today, Kojima Production officially revealed via its Twitter account that a Death Stranding World Tour event will be starting as of October 30th, with Hideo Kojima presenting the game in ten different cities of the world in order to connect as much people as he can. To tour will start in Paris and end in Seoul. London, Berlin, New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, Osaka, Singapore and Taipei are the other places that Kojima is going to visit in between.

It hasn’t been revealed yet whether there will be new trailers of the game during the tour or not, but we do know that Hideo Kojima is working on the launch trailer for Death Stranding and it’s going to get live sooner rather than later.

Death Stranding is set to be released on November 8th exclusively for PlayStation 4. The reviews for the game will go live a week earlier, similar to most of the Kojima’s titles in the past.

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Source: VG247

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