Star Wars

7 Studios We Want To Make A Star Wars Game

Since 2013, Star Wars video games have been under the reigns of Battlefield and Madden publisher, EA. Star Wars had a rollercoaster of video game releases due to the exclusivity deal. Star Wars: Battlefront failed to reach expectations, and the second entry was bombarded by microtransactions. For all the bumps along the road, EA’s deal ends on a high note. Battlefront 2 was heavily modified to abandon its reliance on microtransactions, and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was a successful Dark Souls inspired action game. Lastly, Star Wars: Squadrons was praised for its multiplayer and detailed flying system.EA’s exclusivity deal is coming to an end. Now the entire galaxy is up for grabs. Star Wars has so many unexplored storylines into which video games could tap. Ubisoft already announced an open-world game in the galaxy far far away. We can’t wait to see who gets involved next. Naughty Dog When Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was released, many people were relieved to see a single-player Star Wars game. The last game of the same vein was 2010’s Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. These types of games are valuable because the Star Wars universe is stacked full of untold stories. Sometimes the best way to capture these stories is a linear style power fantasy that focuses on characters.Amy Hennig, the head writer and creative director for the first three Uncharted games tried to develop a Star Wars game of this caliber. After she left Naughty Dog for Visceral, Henning envisioned a game that switched between multiple ragtag protagonists. It got canceled after EA went on a strange anti-single-player rant. Now, we can only imagine what an Uncharted inspired Star Wars game could be. It would follow a ragtag group of individuals (think Han Solo or Rebels) and have a light-hearted tone. Since Visceral games shut down, Naughty Dog is the closest alternative we’ve got. Supergiant GamesSupergiant is currently one of the most beloved studios. Hades, a roguelike set in Greek myth, won multiple game of the year awards in 2020. Its past games Pyre, Transistor, and Bastian were critically acclaimed as well. Nothing is stopping this indie studio. A Star Wars roguelike with procedurally generated worlds would be a fun, experimental experience. It is risky, but Supergiant can pull it off. There are almost countless enemies it could choose from, and there are numerous boss fight possibilities. The combat style of Supergiant games also matches the move set of the Jedi or Sith.  The combat is that of a slasher with swordplay and magic abilities. It also has dash abilities fitting for a Jedi’s fast movements. Players could build their Jedi or Sith while focusing on specific skills. Lastly, Supergiant excels in gameplay driven storytelling and stylized graphics, which would be exciting for a Star Wars format. Obsidian EntertainmentStar WarsEver since Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), fans have been clamoring for another Star Wars RPG. Bioware has fallen from good graces, but Obsidian is next in line. It already has experience through KOTOR and The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Most recently, it created The Outer Worlds, an open-world RPG set in space. In The Outer Worlds, players are tasked with reviving a group of colonists who crash-landed in the Halycon solar system. They can travel to different planets and make critical choices along the way. Obsidian could take what they learned from The Outer Worlds and create an expansive Star Wars experience. Much like KOTOR, players could pick a class, which would change their backstory, and make their path through the galaxy.Obsidian has many things to pull from, including The Mandalorian, The High Republic comics, or the animated TV shows. This would be a major feat, but Obsidian has the backing of Microsoft and next-generation consoles. One of the most annoying things about RPGs is the frequent and long loading times. These are almost instant across every platform. Players could walk through the cantina door without checking social media. Hello GamesThe world created by Hello Games in No Man’s Sky is the perfect template for a Star Wars game. Players have the entire galaxy to explore and discover with friends. They could run into known planets like Tatooine and discover entirely new planets. Hello Games could include famous species, such as Wookies, and lesser-known ones, such as Yazzums. Players can build and maintain their ships based on famous vessels and board space stations. There are countless planets to explore in the Star Wars galaxy and Hello Games might be the only studio that could pull it off. Valve CorporationThere are a few Star Wars games in virtual reality, including Vader Immortal and Star Wars: Squadrons. They both work well, but we still need a full-length Star Wars game in VR. Valve’s work on Half Life Alyx proves it is the best VR developer. Star Wars needs the Half Life treatment.Half Life Alyx tells a full story that continues plot points from the franchise. The gameplay was built from the ground up for VR functionality. Players have to break windows with their hands, lean over cover, and use markers to write on whiteboards. One of the most satisfying feats was the flicking of the hand to pull objects toward the player.A full Star Wars game with precise VR controls would be a game-changer. Most people grew up pretending to be a Jedi, and this could be their chance. The only issue is its accessibility to a larger audience.Remedy EntertainmentStar WarsRemedy Entertainment is behind various power-focused video games. Control is their most recent release and the main character, Jessie Faden, has multiple powers similar to the force. She can levitate, do a force push equivalent, and use various psychokinesis abilities. Their other games, such as Quantum Break, capitalize on the power fantasy as wellRemedy could bring force powers into a video game better than any other studio. Every one of its games lets players pull off invigorating and physics-defying combat moves. Remedy is also proficient in creating intriguing yet cryptic storylines.The studio could create a new story based on a famous Jedi or Sith. A Darth Maul storyline, perhaps before the events of The Phantom Menace, would be ideal. Another character worth exploring is Ashoka Tano and her adventures after Star Wars: RebelsUbisoft MontrealWe need another Rebublic Commando game. The original followed a batch of Clone Troopers and gave them distinct and likable personalities. The first-person shooter mechanics were solid and Rebublic Commando turned into a cult classic. We are long overdue for another FPS take on the Star Wars universe. The tactical gameplay of Rainbow Six Siege makes Ubisoft Montreal a tempting choice. Ideally, players can work together to strategically take out an enemy team. Of course, they’d have classic Clone Trooper weapons such as blaster rifles and portable missile launchers.A Republic Commando inspired campaign would be nice as well, especially if it was co-op. Ubisoft Montreal could follow the exploits of The Bad Batch, a squad inspired by Republic Commando, or follow Captain Rex after Order 66. 

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