BOTW Odyssey Improved Load Times

Load Times Improved On BotW and Super Mario Odyssey After VR Patch

Nintendo serviced the Switch this passed week with an update that introduced the new Labo VR modes for popular titles, Super Mario Odyssey and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Along with the interesting VR patch, it appears both game are loading significantly faster as well.

Several players have taken to testing out the new VR patch by comparing load times when entering shrines in Breath of the Wild before and after the new update. The comparison is evident, boasting new load times nearly doubling the speed of the older versions.

Two years down the road for BotW and it seems the Switch version has finally caught up to the Wii-U version. While these ample load times may not seem like a huge deal, it’s good to know developers are still figuring out new ways to improve various performance elements within the hybrid hardware.

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Source: Polygon

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