
AC: Valhalla And Odyssey Getting Crossover Tomorrow

Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla

is going where no Assassins creed game has ever gone before, into the second year of content and expansions for the game. While part of this is due to another AC project, Assassin’s Creed Infinity which is intended as a live service title not being ready to showcase yet, it is hard to argue that Valhalla has not been a great title in its own right.

Going into year two, Ubisoft has made a surprise announcement that a crossover event between Valhalla, and the previous title in the series Odyssey, will be coming on December 14th. This crossover event will see both games receive story content that will help tell a linked tale of both Kassandra and Eivor. In the Odyssey drop, we will see the continued exploration of Isu culture that was prominent during the late and post-game parts of the story. On the Valhalla Front, we will see Eivor meet Kassandra in person, which is explained how that is possible in Odyssey but we will not go into here.

Both these store events will feature entirely new missions for the player to experience, as well as yet unseen locations. These story event definitely offers a reason to jump back into not one, but two games and best of all these drops are free. Both of these events will be available through patches released on the 14 for both titles.

For fans excited for the next chapter of Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla we have also gotten a decent look at that. The next major expansion has been titled The Dawn of Ragnarök and is currently aiming for a March 2022 release.

It will feature Odin traveling into Svartalfheim in hopes of rescuing his son Baldr. Norse Mythology was heavily prevalent in the core story, with two realms of the Norse gods already explorable. This expansion is slated to boast 35 hours worth of gameplay, making it larger than many early titles in the series, but also just a huge amount of new content for Valhalla players.

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