
Adult Swim Games Partners with Andrew Morrish to Bring Kingsway

Adult Swim Games Partners with Andrew Morrish to Bring Kingsway

It was announced by Adult Swim Games, their partnership with Andrew Morrish on Kingsway, a fantasy RPG where actions are performed by managing a multitude of windows in a computer operating system. In Kingsway, multitasking skills will serve you better than extensive off-hand knowledge of enemy weaknesses.

Check out the announcement trailer of Kingsway, showcasing the games’ features:

“Every few generations, a beast of immeasurable size flies over the King’s land and blocks out the sky, and only the prophesied adventurer can save the land from certain destruction. In this case, it just so happens that also working a desk job makes you particularly qualified to become said adventurer.

Enemies come in the form of pop-ups, quests are emails that are sent to your inbox, and your backpack is a file folder often in need of decluttering. Using the tools and customization available in the Kingsway Operating System, find your optimal workflow to complete tasks and save the King’s land―while taking care not to get distracted by spam or lose critical items you swore you’d get to later.

Kingsway releases later in 2017 for PC.

About Adult Swim Games

Adult Swim Games oversees the production, publishing and marketing of original games created by independent developers from around the world. With more than 200 games across PC, mobile, web, console and VR, Adult Swim Games’ unique offerings have received numerous industry accolades — including four #1 rankings in the App Store and a finalist for the Seumas McNally Grand Prize at IGF. Popular titles include Robot Unicorn Attack, Pocket Mortys, Duck Game, and the upcoming Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove.”

For more information on Kingsway, visit its Steam page.

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