
Alan Wake 2 Still a Possibility for Remedy

Remedy Entertainment recently acquired the rights to their Alan Wake video game series from Microsoft, and with that acquisition comes some speculation as to rebooting the series. While many fans are expecting to see remasters of the series on consoles outside of the previously exclusive Xbox brand, others would love to see the series continued with a proper sequel.

Remedy writer who worked on Alan Wake, Same Lake, recently spoke with IGN regarding the series and if the industry would ever see a sequel. And while Lake seemed incredibly interested in bringing back the series, he also stressed that everything would have to fit into place perfectly and would need to be done right.

“At this point, so much time has passed. I feel that the bar is higher in some ways. It needs to be done right if it’s ever done. Everything needs to click into place, which is really hard to make it happen. So many things, for these big games to be greenlit, need to be aligned. But I’m hoping that someday….” – Sam Lake

While this is some interesting information regarding if we’ll see a sequel to the game, it is good to know that outside of the fan demand for the game, the developers (or, at least some people who worked on the original) are also interested in seeing the series re-surface.

In the meantime, fans will just have to look forward to Remedy’s upcoming new IP Control which seems to be in the same vein of sci-fi heavy gameplay and has been looking like a strong release for the developer. Control is set to release on August 27, 2019 for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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Source: IGN

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