Aqua Moto Racing Utopia

Aqua Moto Racing Utopia Price Reveal

Aqua Moto Racing Utopia Price Reveal

Aqua Moto Racing Utopia is a game where you race interactive waves to get that much needed boost to pass your friends on the final stretch. Inspired by the classics we have taken a modern take on the water racing genre with interactive waves, 1060/60fps and both split screen and online racing. The game also sports a single player campaign where you win your way to glory and fame.

The Steam Early access price will be 19.99USD which when we reach final release will be raised to 29,99USD.

On the 13th of July, our game Aqua Moto Racing Utopia is getting released on Steam Early Access.

Check out the New Trailer:

“Today we stand tall, though signs of battle mark our battered armor. Our spellbound swords have slain the Monsters of Lag, pure will killed the beast of Framedrag. Our thin lines held while massive hoards of evil beings called Bug threw themselves at us as if their lives never mattered.

“Those dark times have now passed and our future looks bright. In this early morning light we hunt the last remnants of chaos from our midst. Two lands have been conquered, our old from distant east and now a new one, its neighbor. This new land is also filled with tradition and endless bounty, though it is still treacherous and full of roving bands of adventurers, just like us.”

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