Assassin's Creed: Ragnarok

Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok Massive Leak

Earlier this week a leak appear on GameStop and Amazon Europe, special editions of the next installment of the Ubisoft’s successful saga Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok Vallhalla and Mjolnir editions were unintentionally revealed. Today more information has reportedly leaked.

Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok ‘s gameplay will be based on stealth and parkour, the game will be a cross-gen title, releasing on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and of course, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok is planned to be announced next month, and it’s scheduled to release in September. Unlike the previous game, Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, this time the protagonist will be an assassin and players will have the ability to hide his blade.

Leaks claims that RPG mechanics are the main focus on the gameplay, different classes will be available.

– Continues heavy RPG mechanics now including different classes and mild skill tree changes based on class. Player class can be changed by a specific character.
– Combat is upgraded with more weapon types and special abilities for every weapon grouping.- Each weapon can have runes added, be upgraded, and durability increased.
– Weapon durability does now come into play, forcing players to use their weapon pool more effectively and forced to manage a smaller inventory that can be upgraded
– Replacing adrenaline is a berserker mode which also activates special runes like fire, frost, or lightning damage.
– Parkour is upgraded with tree climbing and new animations
– Stealth is upgraded by having physical stealth skills such as hiding in mud, snow, crouching in bushes, hiding in bales of hay, etc.- Players can now also hide in crowds of civilians if their outfit/ armor is appropriate otherwise it can attract attention.
Co-op will also be included.

Co-OP Multiplayer will also be available, up to 4 players will be able to join, players will be ranked in a reputation system, this system will change the quest available in the different kingdoms available. The reputation will change accordingly the player’s interaction with NPC, clothes worn and crimes committed.

Leveling will also be improved, player will need to improve some skills in order to progress, “like in Skyrim”

The Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok ‘s will also be “massive”, the leak claims, a big chunk of Northern Europe is expected to be included, from London, to Paris and Kiev. Each Kingdom will be unique.

Stay tuned at Gaming Instincts via Twitter, YouTube and Facebook for more gaming news.

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