Astral Chain

Astral Chain Won’t Be Part of a Trilogy, Confirms the Director

Did you hear the news on Astral Chain being the first part of a trilogy for the series? Well, if you did, forget about it. It was just a hilarious mistake from translation team at IGN Netherlands and IGN Japan that lead to spread of a promising but fake news all around internet.

Yesterday, IGN Netherland shared an interview with Takahisa Taura from Astral Chain’s team, in which a mistranslation from the interviewee team has caused a huge misunderstanding. During the interview, Taura has talked about his visions and dreams through developing process of Astral Chain and these dreams has gone to a point that he even thinks of creating 2 or more sequels for the upcoming Switch exclusive title. However, IGN has understood the words in a way as if the current Astral Chain is truly the first part of a trilogy and if it succeeds in sales, the two other sequels will come later.

With the news going viral, Taura has clarified that there is a mistake in the interview and he has never meant to say what IGN has wrote. Taura revealed that the translation of interview from Japanese to English and then to Dutch was the main reason for such a mistake. IGN Japan and Taura have apologized for the mistranslation.

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