Beyond Good and Evil

Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Gets ESRB Rating

A rating from the The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has surfaced online for Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition. The listing is for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. This hints that an announcement for a newer version, possibly a remaster of the 2003 game, Beyond Good and Evil is on the horizon as part of its upcoming 20th anniversary. Beyond Good and Evil is an adventure game that first launched on November 11, 2003 for PlayStation 2, PC, Xbox, GameCube, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. A sequel to the game is currently in development.The game’s details via its Steam page:For centuries, the planet Hillys has been bombarded by a relentless alien race. Skeptical of her government’s inability to repel the invaders, a rebellious action reporter named Jade sets out to capture the truth. Armed with her camera, dai-jo staff, and fierce determination, she discovers shocking evidence leading to a horrific government conspiracy, and is forced to battle an evil she cannot possibly fathom.Join the RebellionAs action reporter Jade, join an underground resistance group and expose your government’s secrets using stealth, force, and wits. Stop at nothing until your people know the truth.Expose the ConspiracyEnter a futuristic world full of deception, where nothing is as it seems and exposing the truth is the only hope of restoring freedom.Prepare for AnythingBrace yourself for any obstacle in this spellbinding world from the mind of innovative game creator, Michel Ancel.United We FightBattle against the forces of conspiracy with Jade’s punishing dai-jo staff techniques. Master amazing tag-team fighting combos with allied resistance fighters.

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