Beyond: Two Souls

Beyond: Two Souls PC Demo Is Now Available for Free on Epic Games Store

Did you enjoy Heavy Rain on PC? If yes, then jump into the free demo for Quantic Dream’s next big hit in the last generation, Beyond: Two Souls, which is available now on Epic Games Store.

The fourth project and the last one before Detroit: Become Human for David Cage and his team officially released in 2013 as an exclusive title for PS3. Starring Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe, Beyond: Two Souls tells the tale of a young girl who has always thought to have an invisible friend or soul-mate called Aiden. The game attempts to combine different elements from a Hollywood-style action movie and a psychological horror game to deliver a captivating story that makes you follow it to the end with so many thrilling moments in between.

Beyond: Two Souls is the second game from Quantic Dream’s exclusive titles that are scheduled to get released on Epic Games Store this year. Now, you can get the free demo for it with no costs but for playing the main game that will be available on July 22nd, you will have to pay $11.99. Here you can check out the trailer for PC version of the game:

After the launch of Beyond: Two Souls, PC gamers will get the access to the free demo of Detroit: Become Human and till the end of this year, full version of the game will be available through Epic Games Store.

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