Ashe Overwatch

BlizzCon 2018: Overwatch’s Newest Hero Ashe Unveiled at “Reunion”

BlizzCon 2018: Overwatch’s Newest Hero Ashe Unveiled at “Reunion”

Jeffrey Kapplan took the Overwatch Arena to unveiled the a new cinematic trailer directed by Jason Hill called “Reunion” where we can meet the 29th hero of Overwatch Ashe, She is the leader of the Deadlock Gang and a rebellious gunslinger who’s not afraid to get her hands dirty, Kapplan also revealed that his fellow robot Bob, will be Ashe’s ultimate ability.

Kapplan teased about who would of the characters among Reunion could be the next Overwatch hero before confirming Ashe, while talking about Echo the mysterious white robot we can see at the end of the video Kapplan said that “we need to spend more time before we’re ready for Echo”.

Take a look at the Overwatch’s animated short “Reunion” down below:

We will have more information about Ashe at the Overwatch: What’s Next Panel, so we wil keep you updated from the latest from Ashe.

Also don’t miss this gameplay trailer down below:

“From the gameplay video (embedded below), Ashe appears to be a DPS hero who fights with a single-shot rifle featuring ironsight aim. She also has a sawed-off shotgun ability that can be used to either knock back enemies or give her a mobility boost by shooting at the ground, similar to Junkrat’s mine. Her second ability appears to be some sort of dynamite.

Finally, Ashe’s ultimate ability is Bob, which calls upon her mustachioed, machine gun-toting omnic buddy to join the battlefield and gun down her enemies. “

BlizzCon is an epic celebration of Blizzard Entertainment’s games at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California, This year the convention started with epic esports competition at Blizzard Arena Los Angeles in Burbank, California.

Read the full article at – PCGamer.

Don’t miss any of the latest news from BlizzCon 2018 at – Gaming Instincts.

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[…] Overwatch Next Hero – Overwatch’s next upcoming Hero has also been announced and she goes by the name of Ashe. Ashe is an offensive/damage hero who uses her weapon called the Viper to dispatch her enemies. She also uses a coach gun as one of her abilities that knocks people backwards and does a signifiact amount of damage. Her other unique ability is the dynamite throw that can be denoated in mid if shot at. Her ultimate calls down upon her robotic friend B.O.B. who comes crashing down to upper cut the enemy team and start gunning them down.… Read more »