bluepoint games

Bluepoint Meant as Surprise For Sony Event – Rumor

Sony made some major purchases last week to sure up their first part of studios. The biggest purchase Housemarque, developers of PlayStation 5 exclusive Returnal, though they also purchased technical studio Nixxes, known for porting games to PC. However, during this one company that was not purchased but makes sense as a potential purchase, Bluepoint Games, was tossed into the mix.

PlayStation Japan, intending to congratulate Housemarque for joining the PlayStation Family, accidentally tweeted an image with a logo for Bluepoint instead. Most likely this image was not made that day and was made in preparation for such an announcement. The question then became when we might expect an announcement.

Disclaimer – This information has not been verified, therefore this is not factual.

According to @Shpeshal_Nick, co-founder of XboxEra, we have not heard anything about it yet because there was a very specific plan for it. In June, a tweet he posted spoke about a surprise coming out of a rumored PlayStation event this summer. Now he is claiming that the surprise he mentioned then was the Bluepoint purchase.

The event in question has been rumored for a while now. Since Sony used the summer of last year for a major event focusing on the then-upcoming PlayStation 5. It would make sense to see another event around this time, and while July has been rumored as the most likely time to see it, there is nothing set in stone.

Studio acquisitions rarely ever qualify as major surprises for events, let alone ‘one more thing’ moments. This has lead to some speculation that the surprise was a new game by the studio after the reveal of their purchase. A few names have been tossed around for a remake, but we will have to wait and see if any of this pans out. As much as I would love to see something new from them, the one lesson learned from E3 should be this year, any major information should be taken with a grain of salt.

Currently, the rumors imply that July 8 might be when the event will occur. This can definitely change as originally the event was rumored for the end of June.

Source – Reddit

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