Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 Contains 30 Hours of Gameplay At Least

Borderlands 3 officially announced at PAX East 2019 and as Gearbox had promised, first lengthy gameplay footage of the game revealed on May 1st during a stream on Twitch. A look at the gameplay video will give you much more information on the game’s combats, weapons, vehicles and locations. However, there are also some other details that Gearbox has revealed recently, like how much does it take to reach the ending in Borderlands 3?

According to an interview creative director at Gearbox, provided by PC Gamer, if you just follow the main story of the game without taking part in any other activity, it will take you at least 30 hours to complete the game and watch the credits. Paul Sage said:

If you beeline it through, and I mean beelining it through, it might take you 30 hours to complete the main story.

Gearbox had previously claimed that Borderlands 3 will be the biggest title in the franchise in terms of in-game content and with such a lengthy gameplay for the main story of the game, it seems we are going to have fun for so many days in Borderlands 3, even more than the game’s predecessor.

Borderlands 3 will be launching on September 13th for PC, Xbox One and PS4. PC version of the game will be Epic Games Store exclusive for 6 months and although some of the fans criticized the studio and publisher for such a decision, they didn’t change their mind on this one.

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