Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 Gets Its First Gameplay Trailer on May 1st

Borderlands 3 is going to get its first gameplay trailer almost one month after the game’s official announcement at PAX East 2019. Although Gearbox had mentioned to release of further details on the game at May 1st, the studio didn’t clarified what is going to be unveiled during their upcoming show. However, 2K Games, publisher of Borderlands 3, officially confirmed that first gameplay trailer of the upcoming first person shooter will be shown on May 1st.

According to 2K Games, first gameplay trailer of Borderlands 3 will be streamed on Borderlands’ Twitch account at 10 a.m. PDT (6 p.m. BST) on May 1. The aforementioned show also features a 30-minutes pre-show including discussing with the development team about different parts of the game and its new features and systems that fans are excited to get more information on.

Borderlands 3 is set to be released on September 13th for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. PC version of the game will be Epic Games Store exclusive for six months, which made most of the fans angry and made them to review-bomb previous titles of the franchise on Steam. However, 2K Games and Gearbox are both firm on their decision and it seems nothing is going to change on this policy.

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