Publisher 2K has announced the fourth installment in the Borderlands series, Borderlands 4. The title will launch sometime in 2025 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam. A short cinematic teaser trailer was also released. According to the trailer’s description, the upcoming game will be set in an all-new planet and players play as a vault hunter “in search of new treasures”. The latest title in the franchise, New Tales from the Borderlands launched on October 21, 2022.
Borderlands 4 details via 2K:
In this next installment of the definitive looter shooter, players will assume the role of a legendary Vault Hunter as they blast their way through hordes of enemies in search of new treasures to loot on an all-new planet.
The definitive looter shooter arrives in 2025.
See if you have what it takes to go down in history as a legendary Vault Hunter as you search for secret alien treasure, blasting everything in sight.
New Tales from the Borderlands details:
Take a stand against ruthless corporate overlords in this narrative-driven adventure!
Within the perpetually war-torn metropolis of Promethea, you’ll control Anu, Octavio, and Fran on the worst day of their lives. Help these three lovable losers as they endeavor to change the world (and maybe even save it)! Face down a planetary invasion, vicious vault monster, and cold-hearted capitalist in this cinematic thrill ride where what happens next is up to you! Meet a motley cast full of misfits, assassin bots, and talking guns in this race to the top!
It’s time to fight back against exploitation and corporate greed. It’s time to make Mayhem your business.
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Facepunch Studios director Alistair McFarlane took to Twitter to celebrate.
Game Science founder and CEO Feng Ji took to a recent post.