Candleman, 3D Puzzle Platformer Available Now, Only on Xbox One

Candleman, 3D Puzzle Platformer Available Now, Only on Xbox One

Candleman, the 3D puzzle platforming game, released today in over 28 regions including North America, available exclusively on Xbox One.

In Candleman, players travel through nine chapters of awe-inspiring and mythical adventures, a total of 36 levels that become increasingly difficult to explore and navigate. They must beware of dangers in the dark beyond deadly falls and running out of candlelight – Candleman will need to surpass raving furnaces, bottomless depths, menacing ghosts, massive machinery and more throughout his journey to find the distant light. While Candleman drips precious candlewax on the floor from illuminating his wick, he gains one major advantage – the decreased weight allows him greater maneuverability and jumping height to leap over obstacles.

Candleman was originally created as an entry into the Ludum Dare game jam competition by Gao Ming, with the theme “10 seconds of light.” Emerging from the event as an award winner in several categories, Candleman went on to receive additional recognition on the web from Kongregate as well as within ID@XBOX, allowing Spotlightor to develop the game into a full-length adventure.

Check out the Trailer:

“The eponymous candle with legs must explore each level, traversing his way past various obstacles and dangers in the darkness, before he runs out of light. You’ll surpass fiery furnaces, bottomless pits, malevolent ghosts, hazardous machinery and more while searching for distant light, all while precious candle wax drips away.

As Candleman’s wax drips away, he’ll become lighter, enhancing his jumping ability and movement, so there’s that to take into consideration too. A Ludum Dare game jam entry from developer Gao Ming, Candleman certainly looks intriguing. You can check out the launch trailer below for a closer look.”

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