Rajang from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

Capcom Announced Monster Hunter World : Iceborne Rajang DLC This Fall

After a tease earlier this week from Monster Hunter World producer Ryozo Tsujimoto during PAX West, it seems as though long-time fans of the series will recognize the surprise announcement. It seems that the upcoming Iceborne expansion will receive a free DLC update which will introduce the Fanged Beast from Monster Hunter 2, Rajang, to the Monster Hunter World experience.

You can check out the announcement trailer for Rajang below:

While Iceborne is expected to release later this week, the free Rajang update will become available to players in October for the PS4 and Xbox One. The PC version of Iceborne isn’t slated until January 2020, so we’re not sure when Rajang will land on the PC as of yet. No official release date has yet been announced.

Capcom made the announcement via the Monster Hunter Twitter page just recently.

It was also revealed that a free update will hit Monster Hunter World on September 4 ahead of Iceborne’s launch which will provide all players with the buffed Guardian Armor set. The new upgradeable armor will equip hunters with increased defensive stats as well as additional skills to help rookie hunters tackle the main story line in Monster Hunter World.

Lastly, one final new gameplay feature heading over to Monster Hunter World via the upcoming free update is the Hunter Helper. Essentially, this new feature rewards high ranking hunters for helping out fellow hunters in the field. Those who help out hunters in need will be rewarded with exclusive in-game content , such as Pendants and Trophies.

The new free update is set to hit Monster Hunter World on September 4, 2019 while the Iceborne expansion is slated to release on September 6, 2019 for the PS4 and Xbox One. The PC version of Iceborne will release January 2020.

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