Capcom has seen renewed success with their acclaimed horror series Resident Evil with the two most recent releases in the franchise – Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 2 REmake – both stacking big numbers. What’s more, is that both of these releases seem to have brought back longtime fans of the series as they both managed to get back to the roots of the series while escalating to new heights.
To say more Resident Evil titles are on the way is an understatement, as it would be surprising to see Capcom to allow the revitalized series take a back seat to any other series from the veteran studio. And it doesn’t appear to be that way, especially considering the recent tease last month from Capcom in a investor Q&A held by the company.
The question was asking about the future usage of the RE Engine and if there were anymore titles using the engine. Capcom replied by stating, “there are numerous titles currently being developed internally with the RE ENGINE.”
While this won’t automatically point towards more Resident Evil titles, it’s exciting to see more games being prepped to use this gorgeous engine. Especially considering some teases last month from Capcom regarding a possible Resident Evil 3 Remake in the same fashion as the RE2 Remake.
Capcom also stated that along with numerous titles in development – and that they couldn’t go into detail as to how many specifically – but that they also plan on using the engine for next gen titles as well.
We currently have no other information regarding what Capcom could be working on, as the DLC to Monster Hunter World, Iceborne, is currently the biggest launch slated for Capcom this year. Stay tuned for more details on what Capcom could be cooking up using the RE Engine.
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Source: Capcom
A teaser trailer was also released.
Add new gameplay changes.
New characters and Maps.
Will launch for some platforms first.