
Cloud Gaming Will Become More Widespread, Says Miyamoto

Recently, there was a Q&A session for Nintendo shareholders, where we get new information on the company’s future plans and its top-rated managers’ vision on some the trending issues of the video game industry. Amongst the people answering to the questions, Shigeru Miyamoto, the man behind Mario series, had some new words on cloud gaming.

Miyamoto believes that cloud gaming is going to take over a considerable part in the future of the video game industry. Besides, Miyamoto also sees it as a new opportunity for Nintendo, as the company has been good in keeping up with the growth of technology in the world, though some questioners had different ideas on this matter. Miyamoto said:

I think that cloud gaming will become more widespread in the future, but I have no doubt that there will continue to be games that are fun because they are running locally and not on the cloud.

On the other hand, Shuntaro Furukawa agreed with what Miyamoto said, adding that local gaming will still be the king in the near feature compared to cloud service, though the growth of streaming platforms is inevitable. He also commented on subscriptions services as a popular way for players to play games with lower costs. He mentioned Nintendo Switch Online service and its support of NES games that has provided a great chance for subscribers in playing a wide variety of games.

Sony and Microsoft have big plans for cloud gaming during the next generation of consoles, while Nintendo hasn’t provided any details on its plans for this growing capability of video games.

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