Code Vein Early Network Test

Code Vein Network Test Arriving This Month

For many waiting fans, Bandai Namco’s big Souls-like title, Code Vein, has been under the radar with high expectations. It seems, though, that Bandai Namco is opening up the doors for the next big action role-playing title with a recently announced Network Test for the PS4 and Xbox One this month.

While there’s no official release date for Code Vein as of yet, there have been some early impressions on the game with some enticing gameplay videos circling the web. The open Network Test will allow players to experience the opening portion of the game, online co-op and allow users to create their own character.

Fans are still awaiting the game’s official release date, however, an open test period such as this paints a pretty big picture that we’re drawing relatively close to launch. You can sign up for the testing period here, though, spaces are limited so do so early. While the dates for the period have not yet been specified, we can expect to here them announced sometime soon.

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