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Funcom, the game developer and owner of the Conan license, today announced CONAN EXILES. It is a open-world survival multiplayer game set in the world of Conan the Barbarian. The game will be joining a growing number of, yet to be finished, survival games on Steam Early Access this summer. After development is complete a full release on both PC and consoles will take place. The game will follow the traditional formula of survival games, featuring gathering and hunting as well as building. Players will also face off against monsters from the world of Hyboria. CONAN EXILES will support both private and public servers as well as a single player mode.

“You are an exile, one of thousands cast out to fend for themselves in a barbaric wasteland swept in sandstorms and besieged by enemies on every side. Grow crops or hunt animals for food. Harvest resources to build weapons and tools. Build a shelter to survive. Ride across a vast world and explore alone, or band together with other players to build entire settlements and fortified strongholds. Unleash your fury in savage, fast-paced combat and execute bloody and bone-crushing attacks that will see heads rolling and limbs flying. Fight other players to dominate the exiled lands, and even call upon the wrath of the heavens to aid you by sacrificing enemy players on the alters of the gods.”

Press release

Funcom has previously made the MMO Age of Conan as well as several other games. Some of their most known titles are the Dreamfall games and Anarchy Online. It is yet to been seen if the game can stand out from all the other survival titles on Steam Early Access. No price has been set yet and there is no firm release date. Tell us what you think in the comments!

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