
Concord Lead Character Designer Previously Claimed “Whites Must Acknowledge Their Privileged Position”

Concord is the recently revealed 5v5 multiplayer game. Lead Character Designer Jon Weisnewski’s past tweets have recently been pulled and surfaced in a report by The Park Place. In these tweets, made back in 2020, Weisnewski responded to a post by former Bungie Lead Programmer Petar Kotevski who stated, “Thinking that all white people are unconsciously racist is the same as thinking that all black people are unconsciously lazy.” He replied by saying “This is an over simplification. The sentiment being expressed is that whites must acknowledge their privileged position, and then actively work for equality.”  He also commented under a separate thread saying “police brutality is white supremacy. The entire penal/judicial system is white supremacy. The whole thread. White supremacy.” It’s worth reiterating that these statements were made four years ago. Concord will launch on August 23 for PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam. The full relevant snippets unearthed by the website can be seen below:“This is an over simplification. The sentiment being expressed is that whites must acknowledge their privileged position, and then actively work for equality. It will be hard and confronting work, but if we don’t we’re complicit. And complicity allows systemic racism to persist.Doing nothing and saying ‘well I’M not racist’ allows it to persist unchecked. We need to acknowledge the advantage we’ve had and use it to help others pursue equality and justice. That needs to become the new ‘I’m not racist’: using your privilege to erode that very privilege.Part of that is humbling myself to listen. People are ANGRY. It’s ok for them to yell inflammatory statements. I do it too. I don’t think it comes down to the technical accuracy of their rage and whether or not that results in an accusation towards me. It’s not about MEI also know that when we do the work to listen and learn, we’ll likely find that even though we’re not ‘Racist’, we probably could have been doing a lot more to work against subtle and systemic racism all around us. That’s been true for me and many other white Americans.So I’m not replying because I think you’re wrong. Nor am I trying to say you’re a racist even though you don’t feel racist feelings. Just offering an appeal to hear the humanity coming from the black community right now. Let’s help them.Nothing but love for you Petar!”

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