Control Collectibles Guide Part 1

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[et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]Control is a game where you play as Jesse Faden who is looking for her lost brother who is somewhere in the Federal Bureau of Control’s building, the Oldest House. As being a big and mysterious Federal Organization, the game is chock full of secrets in the form of collectibles that are waiting to be unveiled and read. How else are you going to know how the bureau works?

You’ll be grabbing Research, Records, Case files, Multimedia like videos and recordings, and even astral recordings through your Hotline. With that being said there are achievements that are tied to these collectibles in order, Collect 40 Collectibles for Strange Collection, Collect 80 Collectibles for Record Keeper, and Collect 120 Collectibles for Bureau Archivist.

While this may sound like a lot to pick up, the game frequently hands you files and Hotlines through completing missions and by the time you beat the game you probably would have around 120 files. Well this guide is for those who may want to speed up this process.

Please note that this guide will skip over some rooms throughout the game until you meet the requirements needed to get the collectible you need, whether it’s an ability or a keycard that you need for a previous room.

Bureau Entrance

Starting from when Jesse Fade enters the Bureau for the first time, there is a security checkpoint with two metal detectors on both sides. On the middle between the two metal detectors is a file detailing the items that are prohibited to bring into the Bureau.

After looking at that, head upstairs and enter a room to your left in order to comment on the Bureau logo next to the static television, and grab the Report that lists the Bureau’s expenditures which mysteriously has quite a few items redacted from the file, including one Minor cost.

Now move along these offices to the left and enter this room with the back-left corner that’s brightly-lit. Not only is it lit here, the corner also contains a Security Order that gives a vague security order to kill somebody on sight, whoever this may be probably got into a lot of trouble with the Bureau or at the very least the Director himself.

Continue around the corner to find a small dark room with a file that contains an official reminder that all staff must submit these R4 Reports, whatever they may be.

Director’s Office

Then after grabbing the Service Weapon for the first time, you can grab the file on Trench’s desk to look at papers detailing to the employees the Bureau is able to exceed the company’s budget in order to look into more important research.

Head right outside the office to the secretary desk to find a file right under this painting. The file seems to highlight that Trench may have gone paranoid of his position possibly only recently before you came here.

Continue out of the area to the security checkpoint to find a file detailing the words and phrases people should and shouldn’t use when talking about the deaths of the Willow AWE.

Later on you’ll get the keycard for this door right across from the security room with a sad notification to a family that one of their family members who worked at the FBC has recently died due to circumstances that they are not allowed to explain.

Hug the right of this corner to find a board room with a lone file on the ground. The letter contains an agenda for a previous meeting and includes the fact that the Bureau needs a new supplier of coffee filters.

In the left of this room is a recording briefing agents on what to do during a dimensional Building Shift.

Executive Affairs

Heading into Executive Affairs is a safe room that you can open up and reveal a file sitting on top of this sink. It details some complains of agents who are tired of dealing with events that turn out not to be supernatural at all, which is unfortunate for an organization who seems to find a lot of strange stuff.

Head into this corner of Executive Affairs to find this file that talks about some Dinner Reservations. The file is seemingly normal but the fact that some things are oddly highlighted, such as the time, flowers, and the age could mean that the message is coded in a way. For what we don’t know.

Hotline Chamber

We won’t cover Central Executive yet because some collectibles aren’t available immediately, so we’ll hold this off and continue straight to the Hotline Chamber. Immediately entering the chamber to your right is a mail slot that has a file sitting right on top of it detailing that an Altered World Event involving the Butte home has sprung within the The Oldest House building itself, spawning switches leading to an area called the Oceanview Motel and Casino.

Now head into the office before encountering the Hotline itself and you can find a Security Log of all of the people who have entered the Hotline area and used the Hotline with Director Trench being a frequent user.

Maintenance Sector: Janitor’s Office

Lastly we’ll look into a few areas of the Maintenance Sector to find a few more collectibles that you can find at the beginning of the game.

Starting with the Janitor’s Office is a room containing a very eerie FBC-produced Children’s show called the Threshold Kids. This episode introduces you to what Astral Planes are and what the Board is. Take a look.

NSC Cooling Pumps

Next up when entering the NSC Cooling Pumps to your left going up these stairs is a file that leads you to an altered item in the Training Field and gives you the Mission: A Good Defense.

Now on your way to the Directorial Override, before entering the override room is a note on this desk that details one of Arish’s poker nights at the Bureau, it seems that Arish is on a winning streak and his friends think that he’s cheating.

Training Field

Lastly we’ll head to the Training Field where a renegade Object of Power has been found in. Over here in the reception area is a file that details a note from Polaski, the intercom announcer for the Training course. If you’ve been through it yourself, you can probably understand why he’s upset that they went ahead and used his voice despite his performance.

Lastly at the end of the obstacle course is a file documenting the Holiday Memories Tree which has some disturbing effects. It copies the words and phrases of people nearby and if people hear the tree repeat the words, they eventually go insane and ramble about the words from the tree.

This wraps everything up this guide on some of the collectibles you can find in Control. Tune in to Gaming Instincts for more guides and walkthroughs for Remedy’s Control.

For a our review on Control, you can check that out here.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]

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