Crackdown 3

Crackdown 3 to Feature Two Player Co-op Only

Crackdown 3 to Feature Two Player Co-op Only

The Xbox Store Page for Crackdown 3 has just been modified now it’s listed that it will only feature up to two player co-op. Crackdown 3 was originally announced to support four player co-op.

Developed by Sumo Digital and published by Microsoft Studios Crackdown 3 is releasing on February 2019 and will launch exclusively on Xbox One. Also the Xbox Game Pass members will receive access to the game on launch day. Crackdown 3 focuses on Microsoft Azure-powered mass scale destruction that enables everything in the game to be destroyed.

Jason Stettner from GamesHeadQuarters managed to save the original listing from Xbox Store Page where we can see the four player co-op ability as promised, check it below:

“That note of support for having four players in online co-op is even still mentioned on the game’s special splash page. The two player coop capability is noted on the actual store page in terms of having a banner note as well as having it specifically mentioned within the description of the game.”

Crackdown 3 includes a new system known as “Gangs Bite Back”, in which a boss’s or a Kingpin’s attention can be drawn to the player upon destroying locations and elements that they specialize in. Gang members can retaliate for these actions at any time and in any place. If enough retaliations are beaten back, the bosses and Kingpins can come for the player personally.

Ten years after the events of Crackdown 2, a terrorist attack from an unknown source kills power around the entire world. The Agency is thrust back into action after the attack is traced to the city of New Providence, controlled by the mysterious organization Terra Nova. After the Agency’s first strike against the organization fails, the player characters – super-powered Agents – are called into the field by the Agency’s Voice (Michael McConnohie) and led by Commander Jaxon (Terry Crews) as a last resort to dismantle Terra Nova any way they can.

Read more at – GamesHeadQuarters.

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[…] in November it was found that the Xbox Store Page for Crackdown 3 was modified, it showed that Crackdown 3 would feature up […]