Rocket League

Cross-Platform Party System Arriving Rocket League Soon

Cross-Platform Party System Arriving Rocket League Soon

Last week Psyonix announced that Rocket League joined the PlayStation Cross-Play Beta program, so finally players on PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and Steam can randomly matchmake with or against each other in all Online match types.

This service didn’t come with  a party system an friend list but Psyonix promised an update of when this will be featured in the following days, and yesterday they uploaded a roadmap for the following updates to Rocket League and in February the game will have it’s Cross-Platform functionality complete.

– End of Competitive Season 9 + Rewards!
– Beginning of Competitive Season 10
– All new In-Game Event
– Friends List (previously referred to as RocketID)
– Cross-Platform Party system
– New Crate launch
– New in-game Music


– New Licensed Premium DLC
– Rocket Pass 2 Ends

Today’s announcement is an important one for us here at Psyonix, because we know how much our community has wanted FULL cross-platform support for quite some time. It’s because of YOU, our fans, and our generous partners on all systems and services that have made this possible in the first place. On behalf of the entire team, THANK YOU for your passion and persistence as we continue to do our best to make Rocket League the best experience we can.

Should you want to play with friends on other platforms before cross-platform parties release, however, you can! Just select “Play” from the “Main Menu,” then “Private Match,” followed by “Create” or “Join Private Match,” and you’re set from there.

To make sure that Cross-Platform play is enabled (it is by default), head to the “Main Menu,” select “Options” and then make sure the “Cross-Platform Play” box is checked in the “Gameplay” tab. And that’s all there is to it. You are now ready to play against gamers on other platforms across the world!

Find more information – Here.

Don’t miss any of the latest news at – Gaming Instincts.

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