
CrossCode Gets a New Gamescom Trailer

CrossCode Gets a New Gamescom Trailer

Today it was announced by Deck13 and Radical Fish, teh release of their new trailer for the retro action RPG CrossCode. As the gamescom came out of nowhere this year, the developer and the Publisher decided to quickly prepare a short video for the game, which will be shown off in the business area for members of the press at Gamescom.

Check out the Gamescom trailer of CrossCode, showcasing the games’ features with some gameplay footage:

“CrossCode has been in Early Access since May 2015 and since gotten lots of updates. The feedback of the players so far has been overwhelmingly positive. It is a retro-inspired 2D Action RPG set in the distant future, combining 16-bit SNES-style graphics with butter-smooth physics, a fast-paced combat system, and engaging puzzle mechanics, served with a gripping sci-fi story. You follow a player called Lea as she logs into CrossWorlds – a fictional MMO of the distant future. Lea is not your average player though. She hast lost her memory and is (literally) mute. Now the only way to regain her memory is to play CrossWorlds, disovering all the places the game has to offer and meeting other players on the way – hoping they won’t mistake her for a bot.

About Deck13:

Deck13 Interactive is one of Germany’s leading NextGen developers with studios based in Frankfurt and Hamburg. Deck13’s award winning portfolio contains toptitles like NextGen multiplatform hit Lords of the Fallen, which sold more than 1 million units. The team consisting of 50 people is currently developing the AAAmultiplatform title The Surge which utilizes their home made FLEDGEEngine. The studio’s newly founded unit „Deck13 Games“ publishes selected games from independent developers and supports their marketing efforts.

About Radical Fish Games:

We are a young studio and crazy about details. So we tend to polish our stuff, be it animations, controls, physics or that one pixel in the interface that just didn’t seem right. We like our games with a touching story and deep, fast-paced gameplay. You find those qualities in RPGs, Action-Adventures, Beat’em Ups, and all kind of genres, really. So we think: why not simply mix up those genres and create something new? And since we all grew up in the 16bit area, we add some good ol’ 2D sprite art on top. That’s what we do in a nutshell.”

For more information on CrossCode, visit its official website.

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