Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Sees Vampire: The Masquerade As an Inspiration

In order to make great games, you have to either generate innovative ideas or gather some successful inspiration for your ongoing project, but when both them join together, you definitely have the attempt to cause a revolutionary blast within the gaming industry. CD Projekt RED is also trying to do the same thing with its upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 which always called as a spiritual successor for the old pen-and-paper Cyberpunk title, but latest interview with the game’s quest designer, reveals much more details on Cyberpunk 2077’s inspirations.

According to a to talks that Spanish website, , did with Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz from CD Projekt RED, one of the main purposes of the developer is to provide a wide variety of choices in gameplay for the players and in order to do that, development team keep an eye out for the previous RPG titles that did the same job successfully, like Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines. Tomaszkiewicz said:

For my part, personally, Vampire: The Masquerade. in terms of what an RPG is in first person and the way in which its non-linearity is built into the gameplay and dialogue. We are all gamers, and we enjoy different genres, but personally, I would say Vampire Bloodlines. Specifically because it is the perfect example of a first person game and an RPG that I personally enjoyed.

Continuing his talks about inspirations, Tomaszkiewicz mentioned Elder Scrolls and Deus Ex as other inspirations in designing missions that have always delivered many options for gamers to go thorough missions and try out their own experiences, without only relying to dialogue decisions. He added:

Of course, then there is The Elder Scrolls, although it is more difficult to compare it with the that because it is fantasy. And I would also say the Deus Ex franchise, especially the original Deus Ex. That had a great impact on me as a developer and player back when I played it for the first time many years ago. And what I really liked about that game was completing the missions in many ways. It was not only based on dialogue decisions, since you also had the things that were on the map and its different points of entry that allowed you to get into buildings, as well as elements that opened different paths in the story. In short, both Vampire Bloodlines and Deus Ex– they are my two greatest inspirations.

Although Cyberpunk 2077 uses the aforementioned titles as inspirations, it will add CD Projekt RED’s own formula to the gameplay and that’s why all the players expect to see something that they’ve never experienced so far. The game will be present at E3 2019 and fans are counting days down to see its exciting premier at the show.

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