Bandai Namco and From Software have released the launch trailer for Dark Souls Remastered.
The new trailer, available below, gives an overview of what players should expect to find in the game such as locations and enemies. Be warned, however, if you have never played the game before: you will die. A lot.
Dark Souls Remastered will run at 4K resolution and 60 frames per second on consoles. In addition to that, if you own the Prepare To Die Edition of the game on Steam, the Remastered version will be available to you at a discount. The game also comes packed with the DLC Artorias of the Abyss, which features a whole new area for players to explore, along with new enemies and very tough new bosses.
Dark Souls: Remastered is getting released in Japan tomorrow on May 24. The Western release will come on the following day, on May 25.
Check out the Trailer:
To celebrate the arrival of Dark Souls on Switch, a special Solaire amiibo is being released. by using the Solaire amiibo, players will be able to use the ‘Praise the Sun’ gesture from the start of the game. Presumably you’ll be able to unlock this gesture through normal play, too.
In terms of new features, Dark Souls Remastered will include multiplayer support for six concurrent players and dedicated servers – according to the PlayStation Blog.
Although a lot of the hype surrounding Dark Souls Remastered is around the fact you’ll be able to play it on the portable Switch, the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions look like being the bigger remasters. As well as all the feature enhancements found in the Switch version, PS4, Xbox One, and PC owners will reportedly be able to play the classic game with new lighting and effects (similar to those in Dark Souls 3), plus improved textures.
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