David Jaffe: PS5 To be Revealed “In Less than 4 Weeks”

According to David Jaffe, the PS5 will be revealed “In less than 4 weeks”. While this is Jaffe’s opinion, if his prediction end up being accurate then Sony is facing a major leak in their plans to hold as much secrecy as they can.

David Jaffe is a man who works with studios directly linked with Sony. He is the creator of Sony’s God of War and Twisted Metal games.

While taking to his followers via Twitter, David Jaffe says:

PS5 reveal is less than 4 weeks away. Sony knows hard core gamers are hanging on every scrap of info and know that just cause MSFT dominates the conversation at the moment, that’s an easy thing to change when they are ready to reveal (assuming the reveal is good).

Then he follows to share a somewhat harsh opinion:

I want to say it’s the worst kept secret in games right now. February reveal like they did for PS4.

It’s important to say, David Jaffe is no longer a Sony employee, so while he might have information from insiders, his information doesn’t come directly from Sony’s HQ. Also, wccftech reports that David Jaffe has lost some credibility in the last years. So take this information with a grain of salt.

 Sony Square NYC is live right now, Sony didn’t mention anything related to the future, or next generation. Still, fans are expecting a reveal as the date and place seems appropriate for Sony to repeat history.

Sony recently confirmed their lack of participation on this year’s E3, expectation of Sony to reveal the PlayStation 5 on Sony Square NYC is sky high at the moment.

Sony announced the on PlayStation 4 on February 20, 2013 in New York City, during a special event to cover the PlayStation Future called ‘PlayStation Meeting’.

Stay tuned at Gaming Instincts via Twitter, YouTube and Facebook for more updates on the Sony PS5.

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