In the latest update of Bungie’s blog, the development team explained how the ghosts will work in the upcoming expansion, Destiny 2: Beyond Light.
The development team promises that mods will be “highly useful”, regardless of tier or source. Unlike armors, Ghost Shells can be selected by its appearance without “any detriment to your experience”, this means that all Ghosts will feature the same functionality, and will feature the same amount of slots.
Ghosts will feature four slots, there will be an Experience mod slot, a Tracking mod slot, an Economic mod slot, and an Activity mod slot. Destiny 2: Beyond Light releases on November 10 for PS4 Xbox One, Steam, and Google Stadia. Players on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 will also receive the expansion.
Beyond Light will take Guardians to Jupiter’s icy moon Europa as they confront the Darkness, interestingly, players will be able to embrace the darkness and unleash all of its destructive power against enemies and other Guardians. The upcoming expansion will see the return of the Exo Stranger from the original Destiny‘s campaign.
The confirmed new content are new missions, PVP maps, and a new raid. Bungie also announced the introduction of the Destiny Content Vault, a strategy for cycle old and new content.
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A gameplay video was also released.