Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Official Gameplay Trailer Revealed

Destiny 2 Official Gameplay Trailer Revealed

It was revealed by Bungie during its live streaming event, some gameplay footage of their new upcoming game Destiny 2, one of the biggest one-game reveal of the year. Hundreds have flocked to LA for Bungie’s Destiny 2 gameplay premiere, and many more in their twich stream of the event earlier today at 10am PT.

It also was announced by Blizzard their partnership with Bungie and Activision to bring Destiny 2 to PC!

Check out the gameplay reveal trailer of Destiny 2, featuring some gameplay footage:

Destiny 2 game director Luke Smith revealed the news during a Bungie podcast, commenting that it provides a new perspective on how the game plays.

“We have the game at home, which is awesome,” Smith said.

“We have the whole game at home. On a private test realm. And we’re playing the sh** out of the game. That actually becomes pretty motivating to get back to work, because you can see, so clearly, inspiration n things that are going amazingly.

“And you can also see so many opportunities. We’re not done. We’ve got plenty of work in front of us. But having a version of the game where you can sit on your couch in front of your TV, it feels totally different than playing at your desk.”

“Bungie has finally pulled the curtain from Destiny 2, revealing the very first gameplay including all of the new planets, modes, raids, strikes and more.

So far, Bungie has confirmed that all PvP content has been refitted for 4-player teams. In addition, Raids can now be played by everyone and not just those who have a massively experienced fireteam put together. We’ve also got live gameplay of ‘Homecoming,’ a quest that has you playing through the assault from the original reveal trailer.

Titan, Warlock and Hunter return will all new subclasses and weapons. Destiny 2 will feature a new solo campaign known as the ‘Red War’ with more cinematics than ever before, and you’ll even spend some missions working alongside new NPC characters. A new strike known as ‘The Inverted Spire’ will take you to The Nexus, one of a few new planets. Of course, brand new exotic weapons and armour are here, and they’re plentiful. Other new planets include Titan, Earth, Nessus and Io.

Crucible is now 4v4 across every game mode. The UI has also been updated to make gameplay easy for newcomers yet equally as difficult for passionate veterans. During the gameplay reveal, Bungie revealed Countdown, a new mode coming to Destiny 2. All of this can be launched without even leaving the tower. No more going into orbit!

Destiny 2 will incorporate clan support directly into the game, meaning you can bring your friends together inside The Tower instead of a cumbersome skype chat. Clans will also have their own unique reward system, meaning you and your friends could earn bonus loot from simply working together. Guided Games is a new feature that allows new players to partner with experienced clans. This way, you can finish raids and strikes you’d otherwise find inaccessible without some friends.

Destiny 2 is coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC exclusively through Battlenet on September 8, Bungie has confirmed. Pre-ordering now will grant you early access to the upcoming beta.

Bungie said recently that the PC version will have meaningful features that are “bespoke to the PC community”. “

For mroe information on the Destiny 2 gameplay reveal, visit this articles’ source.

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