Destiny 2 Warmind

Destiny 2: New Light is Live!

Starting today on October 1, the new era of Destiny 2 called “Destiny 2: New Light” is available for free on all platforms.

New features include the whole campaign and expansions up to the point of the Shadowkeep expansion. Destiny 2 is now available on Steam, so now PC players won’t have to use Battlenet anymore, so that is pretty nice as most PC users would probably want to use Steam or GOG. You can now transfer your save from Battlenet as well so you can continue the adventure without any hindrances.

According to Bungie,

“During 2019, we’ve developed and shared a clarity of vision we’ve never had before in Destiny. We’re finally going to make the Destiny 2 we’ve always wanted to make—one world that you and your friends are going to meaningfully change and make memories in,” wrote Luke Smith, Game Director, Destiny, in a note to the Bungie player community. “October 1st is the first step toward what we want Destiny 2 to become. This isn’t just the next chapter of Destiny 2, but the next chapter of us. We’re just getting started.”

If you want to continue the adventures for Shadowkeep, you’ll have to buy the expansion for $30 but that’s fair enough as the game is free to play right now.

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