Destiny 2 Vault of Glass Raid Confirmed for May 22

Destiny 1’s

Vault of Glass raid is coming to Destiny 2 on May 22 Bungie confirmed in a blog post.

The revamp of the Vault of Glass will debut with Contest Mode rules which makes the race for the World’s First title “more fair and competitive”.

While we love seeing players find clever ways of leveraging game mechanics, we wanted to step back and look at what’s going to be the best player experience for those competing and those watching.

Here is what players can expect from the old raid:
  • Vault of Glass will launch with Contest Mode enabled for 24 hours.
      • You will need to be at 1300 Power to be at the cap for all of the encounters.
  • Clearing Vault of Glass with Contest Mode active is the first step to access the new Challenge Mode in the Director and the Tempo’s Edge Triumph.
  • Completing Tempo’s Edge, a curated list of Triumphs, in this newly unlocked Challenge Mode, will be how a fireteam crosses the World First finish line and claims their prize.
  • To enforce the Triumph requirements in the Challenge Mode, your team will wipe if you fail the success conditions during each encounter.

For those Guardians who can complete the raid before any other fireteam can they will earn a special belt. These belts will have a silver aesthetic and will have the clan name of the OG World First fireteam featured.

Destiny 2

Season 14 will also rebalance how some weapons work in PvP, the studio explains that the Dead Man’s Tale could see a surge in usage after the upcoming nerf to 120 Hand Cannon range. Several gun perks and mods including the Hipfire Grip, Unrelenting, Sympathetic Arsenal will all be buffed. Other perks like Osmosis will be integrated with Stasis.

Season 14, is due to start on May 11, 2021, its story is still a secret, insiders claim that the next season will be around the Vex or Siva. The new story will also Ada-1 to run Destiny 2’s new transmogrification system.

Stay tuned at Gaming Instincts via Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook for more gaming news.

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