Fallout 76

E3 2018: More Details of Fallout 76 Revealed Along With Release Date

E3 2018: More Details of Fallout 76 Revealed

Todd Howard from Bethesda revealed more meaty details for their upcoming Fallout 76 game, confirming the rumors that the game is indeed going to be a full online experience, enabling the player to play in a persistent online world, they can either play solo, or team up with friends to complete quests and progress through the game, and that progress will stay with the player if they choose to keep playing on single player mode. Bethesta also stated that Fallout 76 is 4 times bigger than Fallout 4, making it the biggest Fallout game to date.

Game director Todd Howard announced that Fallout 76 is a game played “entirely online.” Every inhabitant of Vault 76 is a real person — just like the player. Set in the hills of West Virginia,” he said, “You are one of the first to emerge into a very different and untamed wasteland.” And indeed — it is different. Howard says the world is huge, diverse, and features six distinct regions to explore, each pulling from real culture, locations and even legends from West Virginia.

Below is a video showcasing the gameplay features coming to Fallout 76:

During the gameplay trailer, you can see that the vault was celebrating the day where the vault would finally open, somehow, you are the only one who has yet to leave the vault and that’s were the gameplay of the game stars. Bethesda says its using new rendering and lighting technology that help make the world bigger and more detailed; earlier today, the developer confirmed Fallout 76 will have a map four times larger than the one in Fallout 4.

Bethesda also announced a release date for Fallout 76, stating that the game will release on November 14 2018, so it wont be long for gamers to experience an post-apocalyptic West Virginia and make their own nukes to blow stuff up.

Source – CNET

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