Coffee Noir in an innovative way combines the elements of economic strategy and crime novel with noir atmosphere. Artwork design resembling the classic American comic books and narration style inspired by Agatha Christie’s books will let you immerse in an intriguing case of the mysterious disappearance of Richard Kersey and learn secrets of efficient business management during the investigation. Thanks to the fact, that playing games trigger high internal motivation and active user participation in the gameplay, Coffee Noir is also an unique and efficient training tool. During the gameplay player can improve skills such as, among others, negotiation, effective selling, business relations, company management, team management. Thanks to numerous conversations with 11 game characters, player has the opportunity to practice new skills.
Coffee Noir is all about – true gaming experience with tasks and goals that require from player management and negotiation skills to complete the game.
Check out the Demo Trailer:
“Coffee Noir connects role-playing and tycoon genres. The plot is set in alternative year 2021. As the main character – private detective Arthur Oliver – you are hired to solve a case of mysterious disappearance of Richard Kersey – businessman operating at coffee market in London. The most effective way to investigate suspects is working under cover of sales manager
The economical part was developed in cooperation with scientists from Poznan University of Economics, who designed all algorithms. Thanks to that the in-game enterprise, simulates real company as much as it is possible in virtual environment.”
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A gameplay video was also released.