Legendary Pictures and The Pokémon Company are working to deliver a live-action adaptation of Detective Pikachu. The 3DS game was released earlier this year in Japan and features the titular pocket monster as a deerstalker hat-wearing sleuth who works and communicates with humans.
First introduced in Japan in 1996, Pokémon has delighted fans of all ages around the world for two decades. With more than 279 million video games sold worldwide, 21.5 billion TCG cards shipped to 74 countries, and an animated series spanning 19 seasons, Pokémon is one of the most successful entertainment brands in the world.
“So far, the Detective Pikachu video game hasn’t even released in the United States yet. Considering Detective Pikachu‘s general obscurity compared to other games in the franchise, it seems a bit odd that it was selected as the source material for the first live action Pokemon movie.
Detective Pikachu may seem like a strange choice to be the first live action Pokemon film, but it should benefit all parties involved regardless. Depending on how the public reacts to the news,Nintendo’s shares may rise even further, and we may see the Big N sell the film rights to its other big franchises as well in the coming months.”
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Includes several titles.
Which was showcased at E3 2003.