Detroit: Become Human Official E3 2016 Trailer

Detroit: Become Human Official E3 2016 Trailer

Quantic Dream and Sony have released a new video from their newly announced title, Detroit: Become Human, which is an evolution of the Kara tech demo, released by Quantic Dream back in 2012.

Is a sci-fi game that centres around an android with artificial consciousness and human emotions named Kara, who escapes from the factory she was made in. She finds herself in Detroit, USA, where androids are not uncommon but have been made without consciousness, so are simply used as tools to improve the lives of humans.

What we can see in the trailer is an android detective faced with a myriad of decisions that need to be made to free a child hostage. Each choice created an entirely new scenario which should make for interesting gameplay. The demo also showed our robot cop solving crimes and dealing with the consequences of all its decisions.

We’re expecting to see the game late next year at the earliest, but it’s possible that we won’t see it in stores until 2017.

Check out the E3 Trailer:

“Connor is an android who works with police forces to help deal with deviant androids. So this is a day in his typical life, though likely also the start of something much bigger. There are many possible unhappy endings to the scene. I would argue that none of them are entirely happy.”

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