Don Bradman Cricket 17 now available on PC

Don Bradman Cricket 17 now available on PC

Big Ant Studios has today announced that the most realistic cricket game ever made, Don Bradman Cricket 17, is now available on PC via Steam.

Released on console last month, the game boasts an “unprecedented suite of customisation options,” and has been hailed as “the best cricket experience yet.” Players can jump into the career mode to take a young player from club cricket all the way to captaining his or her country (it is also the first cricket game of all time to have female players and competitions). Alternatively, players can jump into the game’s Cricket Academy, where they can build their local teams, cricket fields and competitions to recreate their own club league.

Check out the Trailer:

“Ah, cricket. It is a sport much beloved by my compatriots here in Australia, but it rarely translates well into videogames. So it came as a surprise in 2014 when the first Don Bradman Cricket game released. It wasn’t a masterpiece by any means, but it was a fun and serviceable cricket game – something that has not existed for a very long time. Remember, that in 2013 a cricket game released so bad that its publisher apologised and removed it from sale.

Initially scheduled to release last year, Don Bradman Cricket 2017 has hit Steam overnight, and it comes with a bunch of features that weren’t in the original. It reportedly boasts a “deeper” career mode, as well as a new “reflex catching” system, new ways to bat the ball, and more aggressive ways to bowl.”

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