DOOM Multiplayer Modes Revealed


DOOM Multiplayer Modes Revealed

Today Bethesda has released a new video on their YouTube Channel which details the six multiplayer game modes that players will get to dominate in. The first game mode revealed in the new video, Soul Harvest, which looks very similar to Call of Duty’s Kill Confirmed, has players running around gathering up the souls of their enemies after they blow them to pieces. The second game mode has players freezing their enemies and thawing their allies in a deadly game of Freeze Tag.

From here the multiplayer offerings take less of a unique formation with modes like Warpath, which has players battling to control a moving control point, then there are the usual offerings, like Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Clan Arena. Each game mode looks to take the most out of the fast-paced Doom action without any issues, and we’re pretty excited to finally get our hands on the game when it releases on May 13 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Check out the Trailer:

“ID Software teased many other types of modes besides deathmatch. Players can also team up to fight off progressively harder waves of enemies. In a zombie mode, they can fend off the undead to earn money and then spend it on upgrades.”


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