Dragon Quest Heroes II Gameplay Footage

Dragon Quest

Dragon Quest Heroes II Gameplay Footage

Square Enix has today released a lengthy video showing off Dragon Quest II gameplay in its purest form. Unfortunately for those of us with limited language skills, the video is entirely in Japanese. As such, particular discussion points are hard to discern, however, the video does give us a whole bunch of new visual details as we watch the player take control of a variety of characters while fighting a multitude of different enemy types to clear a dungeon.

This time around we also get to see co-op gameplay in the last two videos, allowing four players to challenge enemies together. Story missions will be playable in co-op, on top of a dedicated dungeon made just for multiplayer.

We also learned that cross-play multiplayer and cross-save will be supported across PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. Unfortunately there won’t be a cross-buy option.

Those who will purchase the first print of the game will get costume for the two main characters reproducing the hero of the first Dragon Quest, in addition to a bonus item and to a recipe to build a statue in Dragon Quest Builders.

Dragon Quest Heroes II will release in Japan on May 27, 2016 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita.

Check out the Trailer:

“Weather may affect the power of certain spells and might alter the enemies present in the field. Developer Omega Force also added some quality of life upgrades with a dash button and cross-stage warping, presumably to make up for the increased area size.”

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