Dystoria is a 360 degree Axis Shifting Space Shooter with core mechanics to fly at speed in any direction – on the surface geometry of each level, in a true 3D space. The twist is your ship can only shoot ahead, no matter in what direction you’re facing or level you are stationed. Navigate the precise and correct route to apprehend and destroy the enemy and collect precious orbs is made even more challenging whilst understanding the geographic route, plus taking in and understanding many other intriguing game features.
A backdrop story adds to the intrigue and pulls the player into the arcade experience that really encapsulates the ambience of the epic 1980s.
The game features unrelenting and natural progression, starting easy and becoming more complex as you progress, each level varying in size, but each ending with a satisfying climax, adds to the challenge and focus of Dystoria.
Dystoria features moving platforms, switches for doors, triggers that change level geometry, deadly moving lasers to avoid, destructible blocks to blow up (often revealing hidden areas of valuable pickups) and more.
Check out the Trailer:
” Dystoria has been inspired by 80s movies and games along with titles like Tron, Descent, Star Wars, Super Mario Galaxy, and we are intent on offering an exhilarating experience, both visually and audibly. Already we are pleased to hear the media say in positive terms they can’t think of any game out there – like this!” Daryl Wilson of Tri-Coastal Games.”
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Includes several titles.
Which was showcased at E3 2003.