E3 2017 Predictions

E3 2017 Predictions

E3 2017 is almost upon us and we are less than 6 days away from Microsoft’s Xbox Scorpio reveal. Sony has been keeping up a fantastic momentum and the PlayStation 4 is fulfilled with plenty of exclusive games. Sony is not stopping there due to upcoming titles such as Spiderman, God of War, Days Gone, The Last of Us Part II and Death Stranding on the way along with a few surprises. Nintendo just released their 9th generation console – Nintendo Switch that has been selling like hotcakes along with the debut of Zelda: Breath of the Wild which is arguably the best Zelda to date. Bethesda is ready to kick off their next round of games this E3 along with EA and Ubisoft’s next entry of Far Cry and Assassins Creed and of course hopefully new IPs.


E3 is one of the most important video game industry events to ever exist and E3 only occurs once a year. We’re in for plenty of surprises, excitement and of course even letdowns depending on what you would consider bad or good announcements as a video game fanatic or a professional journalist. Gaming Instincts sat down with Jonathan, Luis, and Leo to chit-chat and discuss our hopes, worries, and dreams of E3 2017 for every major publisher including EA, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Microsoft, Sony and of course Nintendo. Enjoy our podcast and don’t forget to sound off and tells us what you think. Let us know if you have any predictions yourselves in the YouTube comments below or right here. Have fun and have a good listen.

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