Playstation VR

E3 2017: Sony Announces a Couple of PS VR Games

E3 2017: Sony Announces a Couple of PS VR Games

It was announced by Sony during its E3 2017 press conference, various Playsation VR games, giving us a glimpse at a slew of new titles early in its conference.

The games announced by Sony for the Playstation VR were:

StarChild, a sci-fi game set in a futuristic robotic world:

The Impatient, a new VR experience from Until Dawn developer Supermassive games:

Bravo Team, a new VR first-person shooter:

Moss, a cute game that looks like Edward Little set in a medieval fantasy world:

In addition to these 4 original games, there were new VR games attached to existing properties announced.

Skyrim, coming to Playstation VR:

Final Fantasy XV fishing game called Monsters of the Deep:

For more information on Playstation VR, visit its official website.

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